Bay Pavillions, Apartments
Dincel Makes Light Work Of Core Construction For Alliance Project Group Apartments
Published: Oct 2017Alliance Project Group Project Manager, Matt Huttary, nominates the core construction of any build as the most difficult – this can include building lift shafts and fire stairs and involves careful consideration of safety requirements, expenses and time management.
In one of the Group’s recent developments, the ‘Bay Pavilions’, consisting of 273 prestigious apartments at Lane Cove in Sydney, the company put Dincel Wall to the test and now vow to use it on all future projects.
The development comprised five buildings with up to 10 storeys each (including three basement levels).
Each building featured two 2.4m x 2.4m lift shafts and a fire stair making up the core construction, and according to Mr Huttary, the time savings achieved with Dincel were huge.
“We install Dincel Wall including vertical and horizontal bars in lift shafts in 40 minutes per shaft and 20 minutes in a fire stair with vertical bars only,” Mr Huttary said.
“With two lift shafts and one fire stair per building, we’re ready to pour concrete in 100 minutes. Dincel also allows manual handling without cranes and we can pour floor slabs and Dincel Walls simultaneously allowing further speed gain advantages.
“We understand that when Dincel is used as a loadbearing wall system, slabs can be reduced to 150mm thick, which can have mesh slab reinforcing only, further adding to construction speed and cost reduction.”
Mr Huttary says that the Bay Pavilions project adopted Dincel Wall early in the build process to great effect.
“We were lucky enough to embrace Dincel at the early stages of the project when we were using another alternative system – once we began using Dincel we never looked back,” he said.
“We will use Dincel in our future projects for core construction, blade columns, internal and external walls, basement walls and water/sewage tanks and stormwater pits."
Dincel is a very flexible and versatile system even for curved-shaped walls.”
Quality and versatility of the Dincel product aside, Mr Huttary also acknowledged the outstanding service and support provided by the company throughout the build process.
“Dincel advisors are knowledgeable, friendly and helpful, Dincel also has very extensive buildability documents that are available to demonstrate how simple it is to install the Dincel System even if you are a first time user like us,” he said.
“Listening and adopting Dincel’s recommendations let us reach a satisfying result… You can achieve a total core construction in 100 minutes instead of four days. I can only state to others in the construction industry that when you work with Dincel, your only limitation is your own installation skills and how diligent you are to adopt the vast Dincel technical knowledge and experience.”
Dincel Used
Lift Shafts, Fire Stair Shaft
200mm Profiles
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